Thursday, June 24, 2010

Thursday Obsessions

Things I've been obsessed with this week:

Angry Birds on my Iphone I am obsessed with this game. I find myself playing it all the time when i have a few minutes to spare. And I get so pissed when I don't win and the pig snorts at me.

Spartacus:Blood and Sand: yes its violent and gruesome in parts. But hello Andy Whitfield. *swoon*

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

beach bootcamp

I can't believe it's june already! and its summer!
I started going to a beach boot camp in the mornings. I'm trying to get myself to go every morning, but its been a struggle to get out of bed at 5 am every day, especially when your new puppy decides to cry every two hours. On the mornings i do go, i want to just lay down in the sand and go to sleep. its awful and horrible, and when its over, i feel so much better. Its a 20 min sand run (i power walk/shuffle) then a 40 min kettle bell work out. There's quite a sense of accomplishment at 7 am knowing i've gotten my work out in and i still have the entire day ahead of me.
So far i've dropped about 5lbs, but i've noticed my endurance has gotten better, and my overall strength is better. I've noticed my clothes are getting looser and are fitting better. My waist is becoming more defined, my arms are smaller and Ian said i feel lighter when he picks me up. My energy level is higher, although i still like to take my afternoon naps :)