Friday, April 23, 2010

FYC Friday

Fuck you Clown (FYC)
Mini update-we bought a condo! yay! go us! We close next week.
I havent read anything worth while lately, nor have had any decent margaritas. I think Ceaser's margaritas have changed because the last two times they've tasted like bananas. Which i dont mind, but still...

Anyways, this is more a  fuck you post to the assclowns of the world starting with Pricky Von Prickster. 
Mr Prickster-I understand that you want to play with your dog at the park. thats great. I understand that you dont like it when my dog jumps on you. However, DO NOT touch my dog when she is on the ground.  DO NOT shove my dog when she is on the ground after you have already pushed her off of you. DO NOT use force against MY dog as a way to discipline her. 

Asshat that insists on driving down the street the wrong way.-I live on a one way street running south. Asshat, please do not drive NORTH down the street.

Parents of the kids that go to school across the street-please teach your kids that walking up to a dog and yelling "bad dog" is not effective. Dogs bark-get over it. I dont walk up to your kid and tell them "bad kid" because they are screaming in the playground.

Ugh. I feel better. I realize that I need to stop humanizing Molly, and I may be a tiny bit obsessed and overprotective of my dog, but she is my baby.